Pregnancy Ultrasound in Central PA
Know or think you may be pregnant?
We are a medical clinic that provides FREE pregnancy ultrasounds.
Even if you’ve done a pregnancy test at home, an ultrasound is the most accurate way to know if you really are pregnant.
Morning Star of Harrisburg, Middletown, and New Cumberland offers free limited ultrasounds at our medical clinics to give you a definitive answer so you can feel confident in your pregnancy.
Why get an ultrasound for pregnancy?
Having an ultrasound is the most important next step you can take if you have a positive pregnancy test.
An ultrasound is a simple, painless procedure that uses sound waves through your body to create an image. That image is used to rule out ectopic/tubal pregnancy, and to determine the age of the fetus and the viability of the pregnancy.
Is your pregnancy viable (living)?
Did you know that 25% of pregnancies naturally end in miscarriage? Why experience the cost of an abortion if you may not need one?”
By doing an ultrasound, our medical staff will be able to tell whether you have a viable (living) pregnancy that is not already in the process of miscarriage. If you really are pregnant, our medical staff will be able to tell you how far along you are in your pregnancy.
An ultrasound will determine if your pregnancy is healthy and safe for you. If your pregnancy is ectopic, meaning the fertilized egg is lodged outside of the uterus in the fallopian tubes, urgent medical treatment is necessary.
Get an ultrasound to determine how far along you are
It’s important to know the gestational age of your pregnancy. Many women are unsure of when they may have gotten pregnant or have irregular menstrual cycles.
An ultrasound will give an accurate measurement of the age of your pregnancy. If you’re considering abortion, you will need to know how far along you are to determine what abortion procedures are available to you.”
A high-quality ultrasound performed by one of our skilled, friendly, and knowledgeable medical professionals will provide the following benefits:
- Confirmation of a viable pregnancy
- Prevent you from needing an abortion if you are already miscarrying, but don’t realize it (25% of pregnancies naturally end in miscarriage)
- Show how far along you are
- Clinical, private setting
- Confidential results and counseling
There is no further obligation to you. The service is completely free and performed by our skilled, friendly, and knowledgeable medical staff.”
Call us today at any of our 3 locations to make an appointment for a FREE ultrasound or pregnancy test. Click here to request an appointment online.
Morning Star Pregnancy Services offers “limited obstetrical ultrasounds,” a medical term for the type of ultrasound performed early in pregnancy to confirm presence of an intrauterine pregnancy and confirm cardiac activity.
You can find details below about each of our women’s clinic locations near you: