If you’re facing an unplanned pregnancy, visit Morning Star. We provide services to help with unplanned pregnancy, including free pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, STD testing and treatment, and…
It’s important to know for sure you’re pregnant and determine how far along you may be. Visit Morning Star to discuss your pregnancy symptoms and explore your options. Learn more about abortion procedures and risks before you make a decision about an unplanned pregnancy.
An ultrasound is a simple and painless procedure that uses sound waves through your body to create an image. That image is used to rule out ectopic/tubal pregnancy, determine how far along you may be, and the viability of the pregnancy. We are a medical clinic and we can provide you with a FREE ultrasound.
Half of all Americans will contract an STD at some point in their life, according to recent statistics. If you or someone you care about is worried about STDs, we are here to help. Morning Star provides free, confidential STD testing and treatment for men and women. Make an appointment at our women’s health center locations to get tested.

Unplanned pregnancy can be overwhelming, but you’ll find information and support at Morning Star. Get answers to your questions about pregnancy, abortion, ultrasounds, and more.
Free, no-obligation help at our pregnancy help center clinics
All of our services are provided at no cost and come with no obligation. Let our pregnancy help center provide a free pregnancy test , free ultrasound or free pregnancy counseling services.
You’ll find friendly, caring professionals at our pregnancy medical clinics of Central PA
Not ready to be pregnant? Wondering how far along you are? Perhaps you are researching what your options are. We can help.
Our dedicated team of licensed medical professionals and experienced patient advocates are here for you. All Morning Star Clinics medical services are provided by medical staff, including registered nurses (RNs) and registered diagnostic medical sonographers (RDMSs), under the direction of our board-certified physician and OB/GYN medical director, Dr. Mary Elizabeth Higgins.
Your trust is important to us. You can count on us.
All of our services are completely confidential. Your results and information are kept private. Even if you are under 18 years old, you have the right to schedule an appointment without parental consent. We will not tell anyone about your visit to our pregnancy medical clinic unless you give us permission to do so.
You will feel empowered and ready to make an informed decision. It’s time to do what’s best for your pregnancy, health, and well-being.”
If you’re feeling overwhelmed by an unplanned pregnancy, make an appointment with Morning Star Pregnancy Services. We offer free services to help with your situation, including free pregnancy tests, ultrasounds and STD testing and treatment. Before you decide what to do next, get answers to your questions and information about your options, including abortion. Schedule your free, confidential appointment online today.